Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I'd Rather have Roses on my Table than Diamonds on My Neck.....

   Yes, I would-but I would really prefer both!  This quotation is the inspiration behind "Roses on My Table" an online group that also sponsors "Artful Gathering", a great place for online learning and creative expression.  For February the group swap or project has been to create
ornaments that evoke spring--and not a moment too soon as another Polar Vortex approaches!  I sometimes make little mini art out of mat board, my "paper fabric" and clay faces so I decided to create some for my submission.  In return I will get three ornaments created by other artists that I can use to adorn my studio or home.  So here are my pretty little moon and sun people to use as pins or ornaments.  I hope the new owners will enjoy them.


  1. I love Roses on my Table - and your work looks fantastic. It makes me want to get in there and make something to swap so I might get one of yours :)

  2. love your work! I have had both and the roses are still my favorite!
